Matt practices at the intersection of utility law and policy, counseling utilities and energy suppliers on state and federal aspects of regulation, administrative law, and energy policy. He has worked on matters before state and federal regulatory commissions on issues involving resource planning, rates, and other issues on behalf of both investor-owned utilities and cooperatives.
In the energy policy realm, he has written extensively on issues related to electric market design and restructuring. Matt has also been deeply involved in significant climate and energy policy legislative efforts. On the administrative litigation side, has played a leading role in some of the most significant energy transition cases in the western United States. This includes leading the legal effort on Xcel Energy’s Colorado Energy Plan, resulting in the retirement of over 650 MW of coal-fired generation and development or acquisition of over 2,000 MW of renewable and gas-fired generation. He has also led the efforts of Western Slope cooperatives to exit membership in Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, helping these clients to bring the benefits of the clean energy transition to rural Colorado and transition to a generation mix focused on renewables and gas generation with a lower emissions footprint. Finally, he played a significant role in the passage of a historic suite of energy and climate policy legislation in Colorado in 2019, including Senate Bill 19-236.
Earlier in his career, Matt practiced with a Colorado-based law firm in its Environmental, Energy and Natural Resources practice group. He previously served as a law clerk for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Denver and the Honorable John L. Kane of the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado.
- Recognized in 2021 Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch for Energy Law
- Colorado Super Lawyer (2013-2020)
- Larson, Matthew; Gifford, Raymond, “Do Tri-State’s member exits signal ‘the next episode’ for PJM?” (UtilityDive – August 7, 2024)
- Larson, Matthew; Gifford, Raymond,“With huge capital needs, the power sector’s founding regulatory principle is more critical than ever” (UtilityDive – July 18, 2024)
- Larson, Matthew; Gifford, Raymond, “FERC’s Christie raises issues that need raising about the RTO state of mind” (UtilityDive – September 13, 2023)
- Larson, Matthew; Gifford, Raymond, “Are RTOs and ISOs sick, dying or dead?” (UtilityDive – March 6, 2023)
- Larson, Matthew; Gifford, Raymond, “2022 Electric Market Resolution: Changing How We Approach the RTO/ISO Debate” (February 7, 2022)
- Larson, Matthew; Clark, Tony; Gifford, Raymond; Miller, Michael, “At the Precipice: The Perils of Utility Restructuring“
- Larson, Matthew; Clark, Tony; Gifford, Raymond, “It’s time for emergent markets to take center stage in non-RTO regions of the country” (Utility Dive — July 27, 2020)
- Larson, Matthew; Clark, Tony; Gifford, Raymond “COVID-19 and Critical Infrastructure Part II: Regulatory Stability for the Future” (WBK White Paper) (June 2020)
- Matthew Larson and Raymond Gifford “Got to have a code: Co-ops, The Wire’s Omar Little, and the struggle to exit G&T providers” — UtilityDive — May 22, 2020
- Clark, Tony; Gifford, Raymond; Larson, Matthew; Miller, Michael; Nelson, Michael “COVID-19 and Critical Infrastructure: An Agenda for Decisive State Regulatory Action” (WBK White Paper) (April 2020)
- Matthew Larson • Raymond Gifford “Mandatory Capacity Markets and the Need for Reform” (WBK White Paper) – March 2020
- Raymond Gifford • Matthew Larson “FERC gets around: PJM super MOPR — an around-market solution for the around-market solutions” – UtilityDive – January 21, 2020
- Ray Gifford • Matt Larson – release New White Paper: ‘Around Market,’ ‘In Market,’ and FERC at a Crossroads – May 2018
- Raymond L. Gifford • Robin J. Lunt • Matthew S. Larson with Power Research Group – The Breakdown of the Merchant Generation Business, a study released by the Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP law firm and the Power Research Group.
- Raymond L. Gifford • Matthew S. Larson, State Actions in Organized Markets, Continued Use of ‘Around Market’ Solutions to ‘Fix’ Markets and the Natural Gas Conundrum – February 2017
- Raymond L. Gifford • Matthew S. Larson, State Actions in Organized Markets, States Strive to ‘Fix’ Markets and Retain Base Load Generation – September 2016
- Co-Author, “The Final Clean Power Plan” (American Coal, November 2015).
- Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson, “The Clean Power Plan: Carbon Trading, State Legislation and the Political Economy Issue” October 2015
- Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
“The New Building Block 3 and the Final Rule August 15, 2015.” - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
EPA’s CO2 Rules and the Common Elements Approach – April 28, 2015 - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
State Implementation of CO2 Rules: Institutional and Practical Issues with State and Multi-State Implementation and Enforcement November 2014 - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
EPA’s CO2 Rules and the Cooperative and Municipal Question
Regulatory Issues Implicated by the Proposed Rule
October 2014 - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
EPA’s CO2 Rules and the State Institutional Problem September 2014 - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
EPA’s CO2 Rule and 18 States’ Resolutions and Legislation EPA’s Proposed CO2 Rule Collides with Flexibility Asserted by States - Raymond L. Gifford • Gregory E. Sopkin • Matthew S. Larson
State Implementation of CO2 Rules Institutional and Practical Issues with State and Multi-State Implementation and Enforcement - Co-Author, Annual Survey of Environmental Law, Colorado Lawyer (forthcoming 2013)
- Co-Presenter, Transact with Confidence: Measures to Account for and Minimize Risk of Liability (May 2012)
- Book Note, This Land, This Nation: Conservation, Rural America, and the New Deal, 11 U. DENV. WATER L. REV. 437 (2008)
- Book Note, American Indian Water Rights and the Limits of the Law, 11 U. DENV. WATER L. REV. 176 (2007)