Enforcement Newsletter | Q3 2022
This edition includes notable FCC and FTC enforcement actions during the third quarter of 2022 that may be of interest… +
WBK Cyber Team | A New Era of Cyber Incident Reporting and Cybersecurity Regulation Part 2
WBK’s Greg Gonzalez, Evelyn Remaley, Brian Murray, Clete Johnson, Savannah Schaefer, Morgan Schick, and Karina Bohorquez co-authored a two-part article… +
WBK Cyber Team | A New Era of Cyber Incident Reporting and Cybersecurity Regulation Part 1
WBK’s Greg Gonzalez, Evelyn Remaley, Brian Murray, Clete Johnson, Savannah Schaefer, Morgan Schick, and Karina Bohorquez co-authored a two-part article,… +
Enforcement Newsletter | Q2 2022
This edition includes notable FCC and FTC enforcement actions during the second quarter of 2022 that may be of interest… +
Enforcement Newsletter | Q1 2022
This edition includes notable FCC enforcement actions during the first quarter of 2022 that may be of interest to telecom,… +
Gregory Gonzalez | Securing Emerging Technologies Without Hampering Innovation: Government Initiatives and How Companies Can Adapt
Part two of Gregory Gonzalez’s article for Cybersecurity Law Report. Read the second installment, Securing Emerging Technologies Without Hampering Innovation:… +
Resource Adequacy in North Dakota a Policy Primer
The focus of this document is resource adequacy in the electric industry in the State of North Dakota. It is… +
Gregory Gonzalez | Securing Emerging Technologies Without Hampering Innovation: Private Sector Challenges
Gregory Gonzalez has authored a two-part article for Cybersecurity Law Report. Read the first installment, Securing Emerging Technologies Without Hampering… +
White Paper | Rethinking and Restyling an Old Idea: A New Model of Transco to Plan and Operate a Changing Grid
This is the final in a three-paper series examining how well RTOs can be expected to handle the ongoing grid… +
Ronnie Raju Featured in TV News Check Article “Domain Name Trademarking: Brilliant Move Or Foolish Endeavor?”
Ronnie Raju is featured in TV News Check Article “Domain Name Trademarking: Brilliant Move Or Foolish Endeavor?” Full article available here.… +
Mitch Stabbe featured in Washington Post article, “How to get the NFL mad about calling the Super Bowl ‘the Super Bowl’
02.09.22 Mitch Stabbe featured in Washington Post article ‘How to get the NFL mad about calling the Super Bowl ‘the… +
2022 Electric Market Resolution: Changing How We Approach the RTO/ISO Debate
Published Feb. 7, 2022 By Ray Gifford and Matt Larson The conversation to meet the objective needs to start with… +
2022 Calendar of Important Dates for Broadcasters
A new year is upon us, and it is time to look forward to the regulatory dates and deadlines for… +
White Paper | Who Owns the RTO?
The nation’s electric grid is undergoing major changes as part of the clean energy transition. This whitepaper by Tony Clark… +
White Paper | The Law of Holes and Electricity Market Reform
The Law of Holes and Energy Market Reform by WBK Partner Ray Gifford looks at the history of the Regional… +