Craig E. Gilmore

Office Washington DC

Representing clients for more than three decades in proceedings before the FCC and appellate courts, Craig provides advice on numerous aspects of wireless spectrum and competition policy and infrastructure deployment.

Craig’s efforts and advocacy in bringing wireless coverage to previously unserved areas in northern Michigan helped to establish a roadmap for overcoming infrastructure siting obstacles.  He also authored a Supreme Court amicus brief in a case that clarified how local governments must respond to tower construction requests, and has contributed to numerous appellate briefs in cases involving the open Internet, satellite licensing, and broadband deployment.

Craig has conducted seminars and helped clients to develop training compliance materials covering wireless and infrastructure regulations.  He also has spoken on several panels addressing wireless broadband deployment.

Representative Engagements
  • Authored Supreme Court amicus brief in a case clarifying how local governments must respond to tower construction requests
  • Helped secure FCC tower approval in multi-year proceeding establishing a roadmap for overcoming infrastructure siting obstacles
  • Provides strategic advice and counsel touching on numerous aspects of wireless spectrum and infrastructure policy
  • Obtained a remand from the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims on a benefits claim for a pro bono client
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  • Recognized in Best Lawyers for Communications Law (2023-2025)
  • Named to the 2023 Capital Pro Bono High Honor Roll for providing 100+ hours of pro bono service
  • Co-chaired the firm’s advisory committee to improve firm processes, promote the sharing of ideas, and maximize attorney-staff collaboration
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Pro Bono and Volunteer Projects
  • 2023 Capital Pro Bono Honor Roll Recipient, High Honors
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Bar Admissions
  • District of Columbia
  • Virginia
  • U.S. Supreme Court
  • U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, Tenth and District of Columbia Circuits
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
  • J.D., Catholic University of America
  • B.A. magna cum laude, Boston University