Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP Attains Midsize Mansfield Certification Plus Status
Wilkinson Barker Knauer is proud to announce that we have received Diversity Lab’s designation of Mansfield Certified Plus for 2020-2022. Participating in the inaugural cohort of 26 midsize law firms over the past year and a half, WBK is one of just 16 midsize law firms that achieved Plus status.
To achieve Midsize Mansfield Certification, our firm collaborated with Diversity Lab on an 18-month pilot certification process with built-in measurement, transparency, and accountability. As a Mansfield Certified Plus firm, we also achieved more than 30 percent diverse representation in current leadership roles.
WBK Managing Partner Bryan Tramont said, “It is unquestionably an honor to be Certified Plus at the earliest opportunity for our firm of 70 lawyers. We are proud of the many years that WBK has provided a unique opportunity for our diverse lawyers to thrive and lead our distinct practices, and we are pleased to be building on that foundation with the critical insights that the Mansfield process provides. Thank you to Diversity Lab for helping us develop more robust, measurable, and transparent processes to expand these important efforts.”
WBK is dedicated to the goal of the Midsize Mansfield Rule: increasing diversity in leadership pipelines within midsize law firms by broadening the pool of women lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers, lawyers with disabilities, and lawyers from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups who are considered for entry-level and lateral attorney job openings, firm governance opportunities, equity partner promotions, and opportunities to connect with clients.
The firm is continuing to participate in a new Midsize Mansfield cohort for 2022-23.
Mansfield Certification is just one indicator of WBK’s broad, strategic commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at our firm and in the legal profession.
Read the Diversity Lab Press Release here.